Thursday, March 03, 2005

VIRAL: Word Of Mouth 'Winner For Books'

If an author wants to sell books the single greatest driver is the personal recommendation. This study shouldn't be a shocker to anyone who is in a book club or has read a book based on a friend swearing it's the greatest page-turner since the Bible. Again, to the BzzAgents of the world, authenticity is the key to good viral...oh, and a good product.
"Publishers often stand accused of becoming ever more sophisticated and cynical in their pursuit of creating instant author brands, when ultimately it is as likely to be good old-fashioned personal recommendation that really sells," he said.

The World Book Day's campaign to encourage people to recommend their favourite books to family and friends includes the circulation of eight million postcards carrying the message "spread the word". [ BBC by way of Boing Boing ]

Blurbs For Sale

Speaking of good word of mouth for books, comedic genius Bob Odenkirk of Mr. Show fame has put on his dumb guy cap and is offering blurbs for sale. Blurbs are the little quotes of praise on the back of books that let you know somebody else has already skimmed the book and has been cajoled to offer up faint praise. Sample blurb: "Finally, a 'Catcher in the Rye' without the indeterminable longing for lost innocence. - $3,500.00." Read all the blurbs for sale.


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