Monday, February 21, 2005


Hello advocacy groups! This is the near future of online mobilizing. Imagine an action alert with real teeth. Imagine blasting a message on an impending vote via SMS to your members' phones and then allowing them to call their Reps office by pressing a key. Imagine your members then pushing another button and the message is sent to their phone list. The switchboards would be smokin'.
Yahoo! Sends Driving Directions To Your Phone
We were seriously wondering why Google hadn’t already rolled this out (especially with their movement towards the geographical with and their purchase of Keyhole), but Yahoo’s definitely beaten them (and everyone else, it seems) on the driving directions via SMS tip. Hit the “Send to Phone” link on their Yahoo! maps page and you’ll get the data via SMS, with images also available with your data connection (you do have a mobile data plan, don’t you?). [ Engadget ]


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