Tuesday, March 08, 2005

DEMOCRATS: Angry Hispanic Caucus Withholds Party Dues

Go HC! Hopefully, this is the wake-up call that shakes the Democratic leadership from their slumber. Their neglect of Hispanic voters has been embarrassing. Letting Bush take 44% of the Hispanic vote??!! Letting the situation get so bad with the HC it had to go public and demand attention from the party establishment??!!
Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are withholding their party membership dues until they receive assurances from House Democratic leaders that the party will make a concerted effort to engage Hispanic voters and better serve the needs of the Hispanic community.

Lawmakers withholding their dues said that their decision was the culmination of several years of frustration with what they view as the Democratic Party’s failure to reach out to Hispanics and include them in the decision-making process. They are also increasingly concerned by results at the ballot box and of post-election surveys showing that President Bush won 44 percent of the Hispanic vote. [ The Hill ]


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