Friday, April 29, 2005

VIRAL: Bush Sings!

Via Boing Boing...
Amazing! Someone has mixed Bush audio clips so he's singing on a mash-up of “Imagine” and “Walk On the Wild Side.” Listen to the sweet, sweet stylings of 43. Also available, Bush sings "Sunday Bloody Sunday."

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

CAMPAIGNS: Taxation Without Representation Field

The buzz czar, John Hlinko, is back with a new grassroots campaign that is getting some serious buzz around the basepaths and the beltway. Be sure to check out the site, give some cash to the cause, and as Mr. Hlinko would say, "tell 10,000 of your closest friends."
The Nationals are coming to town...
...but apparently, DC is having trouble finding a company to pay for the naming rights, and hadn't even received a single offer in writing – until now. We have officially submitted the first written offer for a new name:"Taxation Without Representation Field at RFK Stadium" Think of it. Every time we enjoy the national pastime here in DC, we'll remind America that we lack another national tradition – democracy.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

MEMBERSHIP: The Perfect Cultivation Email?

Mark Rovner got what he calls "the perfect cultivation email" from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Membership Department. Mark says it's "simple, clear, engaging, and involving":
Dear Mr. Rovner,
After careful consideration and planning, we removed the white shark from the Outer Bay exhibit early this morning and released her in the open waters just outside Monterey Bay at 5:45 a.m.

Two factors led to this decision. First, the shark was rapidly approaching a maximum size and weight at which she could be safely removed, transported and released with full confidence that she would thrive. Second, aquarists observed a marked change in her behavior over the past week of what they considered to be active hunting of other exhibit animals and they became substantially more concerned about the well-being of the other fishes.

She was not released because of any injury or health problem. At the time of her release, she was 6'-4" long and weighed 162 pounds. That means she grew more than a foot in length and gained 100 pounds in her six months on exhibit. She was healthy and strong when she swam away from the boat. We expect her to quickly adapt to hunting and feeding on natural prey. An electronic tag was attached to allow us to track her movements.

The decision to release her into the outer Monterey Bay is based on suitable water temperature and turbidity conditions. It is supported by research from tagging and tracking data about the movements of other young white sharks indicating that they inhabit our offshore waters.

We're proud of the fact we were able to keep this shark for more than six months and then release her safely back to the wild. You should be proud too as a member of the first aquarium ever to accomplish this. During the time she was here, we developed a better understanding of how best to collect, take care of and ultimately release a juvenile white shark.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to learn more about white sharks and to heighten public awareness about the threats facing shark populations worldwide.

For more information, please visit

The Monterey Bay Aquarium Membership Department

Our mission is to inspire conservation of the oceans.

Friday, April 01, 2005

VIRAL: People Love To Send Holiday E-Greetings

Media Post has a story by way of media head-counter, Nielsen, about the popularity of e-greetings cards this last St. Patricks Day.
Suprisingly, this year consumers were almost as likely to send an e-greeting on St. Patrick's Day as on Valentine's Day, Nielsen//NetRatings reported this week. Driven by St. Patrick's Day cheer and good spirits, e-greeting card sites jumped 63 percent week-over-week for the week ending March 20, Nielsen found. That week the e-greeting card category drew over 5.1 million unique visitors, reaching more than 4.6 percent of active Netizons--not bad, considering that this year's Valentine's Day holiday week drew 6.2 percent of all active home Web users to e-greetings sites.
E-postcards are a simple way to get fans of your site to invite lots of new people to your site and your issue. Viral! Why not ride the holiday e-greeting wave and offer and promote unique message-centric e-postcards for all the major and semi-major holidays?
(Even daylight savings is becoming a minor holiday celebrity according to some marketers.) Just a minor creative investment could yield some solid returns.